Engaging Cambodian Buddhist Temples in Gambling Prevention Partnerships
Cambodian Association of Victoria received grant funding from Victoria Responsible Gambling Foundation working on Engaging Cambodian Buddhist Temples in Gambling Prevention Partnerships. This project starts from October 2019 until June 2021.
The project implement are:
Through engagement with five Cambodian Buddhist temples, the project will raise awareness about the risks associated with gambling within leaders (including monks) and members of the Cambodian community.
5 Training sessions will be conducted in 5 Cambodian Temples to build capacity of Cambodian community leaders (including monks) so they are capable of raising awareness and reaching out to affected community members.
5 Community Forums will then conduct follow training at each of the temples, monks and community leaders who joined the training will invite as guest speakers and other guest speakers will be invited to speak and share their experiences and insight into issues associated with gambling
2 social events will encourage social connections in non-gambling environments, the event will organise in October 2020 for Khmer Pchum Ben and April 2021 for Khmer New Year.
Monthly 3ZZZ radio programs on gambling prevention, risks associated with gambling, and support available will also raise awareness for the local Cambodian community.
Contact: Mora Gibbings (03) 9546 3466